A Better Year

So Christmas has been turned on it's head like the rest of 2020. Last night's announcement by the government, who seem to have been chasing their tails throughout this whole pandemic, was a real blow to those of us in the South East. Food has been bought, homes have been decorated, presents are under the tree and now we can't share those things with the people we love. But that last sentence is an indicator of how lucky we really are. If we have food, homes to have a tree in, and money to buy gifts we surely are among the richest in the world. And if we have love then we still have the true meaning of Christmas. Whatever your belief, Christmas is about love. And hope. Hope for a better year to come.

If you've read any of my writing before you'll know I have a lot of experience with and great affection for the elderly. One thing that strikes me about the people I know and hold dear who are in their nineties is that they have hope for tomorrow. If they didn't, they'd spend their last years sitting in an armchair waiting for the end. But instead, they persevere and look forward with the resilience that has seen them this far. 

Of course it's completely OK for us to be upset and disappointed, that's only natural. But as the little Charlie Brown picture says, maybe this year is the time to reflect on the good in our lives. We've made it nine months living in this madness with people finding new ways to show kindness and support each other. Let's uphold each other any way we can during this festive season. As the Amazon Christmas advert and Strictly winner Bill Bailey have said, 'The show must go on'. It might not be as we know it, or the way we planned but if we stick together with the love that's got us here, we too have hope for tomorrow.


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